понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


After asking followers of his Facebook page whether they want to see a sequel of the film and receiving great approval, Bleibtreu announced the film Lommbock in November , scheduled for release on March 23, German cannabis control bill. Achim is poisoned by the mushrooms and goes into a convulsive state, when suddenly a hunter is spotted nearby. Badische Zeitung in German. However, unbeknownst to the protagonists, Achim is an undercover police officer. Though Stefan's father becomes upset, he calls the chief of police, whom he befriended when he was a public prosecutor. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. lammbock soundtrack

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After narrowly avoiding an unrelated police search, the duo confront Stefan's father and confess their situation.

However, unbeknownst to the protagonists, Achim is an undercover police officer. Views Read Edit View history. The protagonists of the movie are two pizza delivery men who decide to up their income by adding marijuana to the menu and get into trouble after attracting the attention of an undercover cop.

After asking followers of his Facebook page whether they want to see a sequel of the film and receiving great approval, Bleibtreu announced the film Lommbock soundtrzck Novembereoundtrack for release on March 23, Hanfparade Hemp Museum Lammbock Lommbock The "Brain cell massacre" is used to knock Achim out, and he is locked in the protagonists' trunk, along with the hunter who discovered the cannabis plantation as well as the harvested crop itself.

Retrieved from " https: Retrieved January 3, With the help of the chief of police, the duo get off the hook, and Stefan takes his bar exam only to walk out at the last lammbck to pursue his lifelong dream of owning a cafe on a beach. Stefan is finishing law school and preparing to take the Bar examination to become a lawyer under the behest of his father, who is a judge. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

After much debate, the duo decide to bring Achim to the plantation so that he can help with the aphid problem, using an adulterant on the plants called "Brain cell massacre," which, according to Achim, is used in Kazakhstan plantations. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Lammbock soundtrack music

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Retrieved December 15, They visit their outdoor cannabis growing operation only to discover that aphids are destroying their plants. They visit a head shop and meet Achim, who informs them that he knows how to get rid of aphids, handing them a tub full of Aphidoletes aphidimyza. soudntrack

lammbock soundtrack

Achim is poisoned by the mushrooms and goes into a convulsive lammbpck, when suddenly a hunter is spotted nearby. This page was last edited on 19 Augustat They test them out on Achim while he is at the plantation, stating that they already tried some.

Lammbock Soundtrack (2001) OST

CS1 German-language sources de Articles needing additional references from January All articles needing additional references. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

lammbock soundtrack

Kollmann Anya Hoffmann as Elena Kollmann. Kai and Stefan are two friends who own a gourmet pizza soundtrck business as a front for selling cannabis.

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Lommbock Soundtrack ()

German cannabis control bill. There are numerous subplots, and the movie is essentially split up into various chapters, each dealing with different episodes. On the way to the growing area, they try to pick psychedelic mushroomsconvinced that nobody will be suspicious of mushrooms on a pizza. Badische Zeitung in German. Retrieved 26 January Though Stefan's father becomes upset, he calls soundtrackk chief of police, whom he befriended when he was a public prosecutor.

Lammbock is a German stoner film.

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