суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


We felt like stars. It was the biggest thing any of us had been associated with up to that point. The song was also originally scheduled to include k-os and Jully Black , who cancelled due to other commitments. Choclair got signed off of that. It was a tough decision. It felt like we were getting there. It was within this environment that the Rascalz turned down their Juno for best rap recording for Cash Crop in protest of the fact that the awards had never televised the rap category. rascalz northern touch

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It felt like we were getting there. Me and Chocs did our verses in one take each, and then Kardi showed up to do the hook. And each emcee was so radically different: On behalf of not only hip-hop but the other genres of black music and the artists and the community that we represented, we were turning this down until we were included in the celebration.

We were rolling from city to city, and the shows were packed. It was a tough decision.

Why Northern Touch still matters

Back then, everybody wanted their tkuch to be last, everybody wanted to be the anchor. Canadians hip-hop onto centre stage"Ottawa CitizenMarch 7, During the summer ofRascalz and Checkmate—a hard-hitting Vancouver emcee—reconvened at a B.

He was a disciple of Hype Williams the hottest name in hip-hop videos at the timehungry for a break and familiar with all the major players involved. He was an arrogant little year-old.

Northern Touch

We had to get X, because we needed that look. It rasvalz written up in Billboard magazine, and I got an angry call from my boss at the label.

We had levelled up. Academy of Canadian Cinema and TelevisionFebruary 7, X began directing massive videos. He was going around with his little book and talking to people and arranging things.

rascalz northern touch

For a lot of the Canadian players, it was a major moment. It felt like our point had been made. Rascalz mailed us the tapes from Vancouver—there was no email back then; it was a big two-inch audiotape—and then Thrust and I went into rasccalz studio to do our verses.

I swore an oath. The song was also originally scheduled to include k-os and Jully Blackwho cancelled due to other commitments.

Why Northern Touch still matters - NOW Magazine

X brought that refinement. I knew I wanted to do an in-studio performance video. It was one of the top three most nervous moments of my life. We were in there recording stuff constantly.

I started getting calls from across the country: June was the last time I worked for somebody else. That was the night that solidified everything with my girl. After the year noethern, there was so much focus on us. The industry did not understand that urban music—black music—was commercially viable in this country.

rascalz northern touch

People requested the shit out of it on the radio. Despite being relatively untested, the Toronto native checked all the boxes: I was cold the whole time. The song's video was one of the first music videos directed by Director Xand one of the first film appearance by actress and model Melyssa Ford. I want to manage.

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